The department


    An introductory campaign is about to begin in Ukraine, so we want to tell you about the Department of Electronic Computational Equipment Design (DECED, KEOA) of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Electronics (KPI), on which the Lamp Electronics Laboratory is established and operates.

    The KEOA Chair is located at the KPI Faculty of Electronics (FEL), and the specialty, which is carried out at the department's training of specialists, is called "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (code - 172). Electronics training here, in our humble opinion, is one of the best in Ukraine and Europe

    We learn a lot of programming, many assemblers and embedded, a variety of processor architectures. Already in the 1st year of Arduino, later - x86, AVR, ARM, MSP430, NIOS II, MIPS, DSP Texas Instruments, STM32. Next is embedded Linux on single board computers. Two semesters of pipeline processor development (for example, MIPS) and Intel FPGA NIOS II and ARM-based crystalline systems. We launch Digital Radio (SDR) course on Ettus USRP B210 boards ((

    We carry out all projects and laboratory work on modern equipment, which we have a lot of. For example, we use the world's best Tektronix, Rohde & Schwarz, Keysight and Digilent equipment for measurements. All computing architectures (CPU, FPGA, DSP) have debug boards for lab work.

    Department of Electronic Computational Equipment Design

    The KEOA Chair is located at the KPI Faculty of Electronics (FEL), and the specialty, which is carried out at the department's training of specialists, is called "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" (code - 172). Electronics training here, in our humble opinion, is one of the best in Ukraine and Europe

    Form of study - full-time (budget, contract).

    The scientific and educational orientation of the department is related to the widespread use of the latest computer technologies in electronic information processing facilities. In this time of rapid development of information technologies, specialists, trained by the department, are engaged in the development, construction and programming of electronic circuits, synthesis of drivers for various electronic equipment, creation and operation of databases, construction of equipment and software for computer networks, creation of information and computer systems of various functional purpose.

    In our department give a thorough knowledge of different programming languages ​​(C ++, C, Delphi, ASSEMBLER, VHDL). After graduation you will be a highly qualified specialist in both software and hardware of computers, microcontrollers, digital signal processors, FPGAs and radio-electronic means based on them. In its curricula the department focuses on students' mastering of computer-aided design methods, and technologies for the next generation of information and electronic computing tools, including "crystalline systems" (SoC). Much attention is paid to the latest developments in information and telecommunications technologies, pattern recognition and neural networks, fuzzy arithmetic, expert systems and digital signal processing. This is achieved through the use in the educational process of the department of modern laboratory base in the form of assessment modules Starter Kit, Evaluation Board families MAX7000, Cyclone f. ALTERA, C2000, C5000, MSC12x f. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, AVR f. ATMEL, together with MAX-PLUS II, Quartus II, Code Composer Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench, OrCAD, PCAD, and the LabVIEW measurement and control software. National Instruments.

    The department has an official FPGA design center for design technologies. ALTERA and training laboratories f. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS and ATMEL, as well as 6 educational and scientific laboratories: information technology, analog and digital electronics, simulation of semiconductor devices and ICs, artificial intelligence and development of non-standard means of I / O in computers, physical foundations of microelectronics, digital technologies.

    Among the examples of scientific and educational directions of work of the department, in which significant scientific and technical results are achieved, the following can be distinguished:

    • development and programming of control units for various electronic systems;
    • designing and programming of technical means based on the use of artificial intelligence;
    • design of components of radio-electronic devices;
    • design and programming of large integrated circuits, including SoC;
    • development and implementation of computing facilities for commercial activities (cash registers, cash counters, ATMs);
    • implementation of projects of local and corporate computer networks, including the computerization program of NTUU "KPI";
      conducting research in the field of so-called "intellectual" electronic information systems, including artificial intelligence systems, expert systems, problem-oriented systems of various functional purpose, fuzzy systems and decision-making systems.

    The department has connections with many countries in the world. Students have internships in Germany, Poland, Korea and other countries. After graduation, our graduates work in Ukraine, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany. The condition is one: you need to know foreign languages.

  • If you are a confident person, you want to study hard and get a deep knowledge in the field of the latest electronic and telecommunication technologies - we will be glad to see you among the students of the specialty "Telecommunications and radio engineering", specialization "Information-computing facilities of electronic systems" at the department of electronics systems of computing equipment of the Faculty of Electronics of NTUU "KPI named after Igor Sikorsky"!
    You will be entering the Bachelor's Degree - this is the first level of higher education. Your studies at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" will last 4 years. As a result, you will receive a diploma of higher education and the right to continue your education at the next level - in the magistracy.

    We will help You to form a modern scientific outlook, technical erudition, logical thinking, to develop Your abilities, to gain self-confidence. , RISC and ARM Microcontrollers, Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) and FPGAs (FPGAs), which are the brains of modern electronic systems, including the so-called "Embedded Systems". We'll teach you how to program in Arduino, C, C ++, C # , Assembler, PHP, MySQL, Verilog and VHDL, free to navigate HTML and CSS .
    You will be able to use the software packages Arduino-IDE, MatLab, OrCAD, Altium Designer, Quartus II, AVR and Code Composer Studio, IAR Workbench, and the LabVIEW measurement and control software.
    You will be able to go the full way of creating an electronic product from the design of circuitry, algorithmic, software and design solutions to its implementation and production. For this purpose, you will find useful at the department the official Center for design technology PLIS company ALTERA in Ukraine, the training laboratory of the company TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, the training and scientific center "Savings production", as well as 6 training laboratories: digital technologies Digital Lab, microprocessor tools basics of microelectronics, information technology, analog and digital electronics and open laboratory of electronics LAMPA on it. At the same time you will be able to apply modern laboratory base in the form of evaluation modules. Starter Kit, Evaluation Board DE2, DE5 by ALTERA, BeagleBoard on OMAP3, BeagleBone Black on ARM Cortex A8, boards on C28x, C55x, C64x and MSP430 platforms, ASLK-PRO by TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, C51, AVR by ATMEL, STMel32, STMel32 , Arduino Leonardo, portable wireless technology solutions in the form of Tmote Sky ZigBee modules, Intel Galileo and Intel Edison microcomputers, Cisco telecommunications equipment.
    You will be able to create databases, develop your own utilities and software systems in high-level languages, create your own web pages and sites, organize a variety of web services. We will teach You to design, deploy, set up, and administer computer networks. You will become acquainted with the technologies of WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, DSL, ZigBee yourself and will be able to skillfully build any network from home to large corporate.

    You will receive a thorough and high-quality higher education that will help you not to lose yourself in the changing and fast-paced world of information and computer technology! countries. The condition is one: you need to know foreign languages.

    Your future specialty is Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, specialization is Information and Computing Means of Electronic Systems


    If you have just graduated from college, have already completed a comprehensive secondary education certificate, and are currently completing or have already completed the External Independent Assessment, it is time to choose your future profession. You will be entering the Bachelor's Degree - this is the first level of higher education. Your studies at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" will last 4 years. As a result, you will receive a diploma of higher education and the right to continue your education at the next level - in the magistracy.

    List of competitive subjects in the certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment

    How to become a student of KEOA department:

      1. To register on the MES website for submission of the EIT in Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics (or foreign language).
      2. To compose EBA in Ukrainian language and literature (with a minimum score of 100) and mathematics, physics (foreign language) - 125 (provided that one of them is at least 100 points).
      3. Obtain a certificate of completion of general secondary education.
      4. Register e-mail since July 1, 2019.
      5. Apply electronically to a single state-owned electronic education database from July 10 to July 16, indicating:

    University: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


    Specialty: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

    Educational program (specialization): "Information-computing facilities of electronic systems"

    How to confirm the certificate of FDP, MAS, HEI and submit documents of priority? You can also find it on the Admissions Committee website.

    The specialty 172 Telecommunications and radio engineering is included in the sectoral list of important for the state specialties, so when applying for a 1-2 priority to set the industry coefficient of 1.02.

    The average grade point average is 0.05

    The weight of the additional SDP score is 0.05

    The maximum competition score is 200

    Calculation of the competition score of the KEAA Chair Entry:

    • KB = (0.5 · Mat. + 0.2 · Phys.6+ , all within 200 points.
    • BA - the certificate of the certificate;
    • Db - an additional score of the listener of preparatory courses of KPI or the winner of all-Ukrainian Olympiads;
    • GC is an industry coefficient of 1.02 (for the first and second priorities);
    • UK is a rural coefficient of 1.05, for entrants registered in rural settlements and who have completed a comprehensive secondary education in educational establishments located in the villages in the year of entry.

    An additional 10 points are awarded for:

    • successful completion of pre-university training;
    • prize-winners (persons awarded diplomas of I-III degrees) of the IV stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2019 in basic subjects;
      winners of the third stage of the All-Ukrainian competition - protection of research works of students - members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2019.
    • Additional points of the Small Academy of Sciences and the winner of the All-Ukrainian Olympics are not added up.

    In the presence of additional points of the Small Academy of Sciences, the winner of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad and the certificate of the FDP must be selected points of the MAN or HEI, FDP points can be added to the amount, but the amount should not exceed 200 points.

    Warning! The foreign language certificate must be 2018 or 2019 only. Certificates in other subjects are valid for the last 3 years, that is, for the period from 2017 to 2019.

    What should pay attention to the entrant to the KPI them. Igor Sikorsky in 2019?

    Stages of the Introductory Campaign and Schedule of the Admissions Committee Admissions

    Address of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

    List of documents for admission to the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

    Admission Rules to the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 2019

    Annexes of the Rules of admission to the KPI them. Igor Sikorsky in 2019

    1. List of competitive subjects in the certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment (entrance tests, creative competitions) for entry into KPI them. Igor Sikorsky

    Expenditure in the 2018/2019 academic year

    Regulations on graduates of the system of pre-university training KPI them. Igor Sikorsky, who achieved particular success in their studies

    Phone: (+380 44) 204-93-63, 204-95-38, 204-86-11

    Email: keoa [at]

    The Admissions Committee for Foreign Nationals is located in 31 buildings


  • If you want to continue your studies after receiving a bachelor's degree, then you can enter the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" for 5 year (1 year master's course). You will receive the next higher education level - Master's level. Education at this educational level lasts 1 year 4 months or 1 year 9 months depending on the chosen program for training - educational, vocational or educational-scientific. The educational-professional training program is the preparation of masters of a certain branch of knowledge for further professional work, the educational-scientific program of training is designed for further scientific work of the graduate of the magistracy.
    Do you continue training in the same specialty? Then you need to submit the documents from July 1 to August 2 and take the entrance tests (the first stage of the tests - from July 5 to July 9, the second stage - from August 5 to August 9). There are two such tests - the entrance exam and the foreign language.
    Did you decide to change your profession after receiving your bachelor's degree? Then you need to submit your paperwork from July 1 to August 2 and complete the basic entrance tests (first phase of testing - July 5 to July 9, second phase - August 5 to August 9) and additional proficiency tests to determine if you can master the selected training program.
    TABLE of correspondence of the List of directions in which specialists were trained in higher educational establishments by educational qualification level of bachelor (List 2010) of the List of branches of knowledge and specialties by which the applicants for higher education are trained (List 2015)

    List of application documents:

    • passport or other document proving citizenship (original and copies)
    • bachelor's degree (original and copies)
    • Bachelor's Diploma Supplement (original and copies)
    • creative achievements, if any (scientific articles in the chosen specialty)
    • military document (for boys; original and copies)
    • identification code (original and copies)
    • four pictures

    The copies shall be certified by the selection boards of the faculties and institutes if the original is available. Selection commissions need to keep copies of the documents.
    The purpose of the second (master's) higher education program in the specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" is to form a system, instrumental, social-personal and professional competences sufficient for the production of new ideas, to solve complex problems and problems in higher education institutions. professional and / or research and innovation activities.
    Educational Program "Information and Computing Means of Radio-Electronic Systems", Master (prof.)

    Admission to the preparation of the educational-qualification degree "Master" in the specialty "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", specialization "Information-computing means of electronic systems" is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of NTUU "KPI" on the admission to training in educational and professional programs of preparation of the Master approved NTUU "KPI".


    Foreign Language

    Professional test


    Information and computer facilities of electronic systems




    ауд. 114 корп. 12

    02.08.2019, 16.00, ауд. 114 к. 12

    Foreign Language



    will be reported later

    will be reported later

    complex specialties



    ауд. 323 корп. 12

    06.08.2019, 16.00, ауд. 331 к. 12

    172, Інформаційно-обчислювальні засоби радіоелектронних систем extra 05.07.2019 9:00 ауд. 114 корп. 12 04.07.2019, 16:00, ауд. 114 к. 12
    Foreign Language(eng.) 06.07.2019 13:00 ауд. 414 корп. 12 05.07.2019, 15:00, ауд. 414 к. 12
    Foreign Language (ger.) 07.07.2019 10:00 ауд. 714 корп. 07 04.07.2019, 14:00, ауд. 706 к. 07
    complex specialties 08.07.2019 9:00 ауд. 321 корп. 12 05.07.2019, 12:00, ауд. 331 к. 12

    The purpose of the second (master's) higher education program in the specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" is to form a system, instrumental, social-personal and professional competences sufficient for the production of new ideas, to solve complex problems and problems in higher education institutions. professional and / or research and innovation activities.

    Educational Program "Information and Computing Means of Radio-Electronic Systems", Master's Degree (Scientist)

    The purpose of the second (master's) higher education program in the specialty 172 "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" is to form a system, instrumental, social-personal and professional competences sufficient to produce new ideas, solve complex problems and problems in higher education institutions. professional and / or research and innovation activities.

    Educational program "Information and Computing Means of Radio-Electronic Systems"

    Admission to the preparation of the educational-qualification degree "Master" in the specialty "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering", specialization "Information-computing means of electronic systems" is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of NTUU "KPI" on the admission to training in educational and professional programs of preparation of the Master approved NTUU "KPI".

    Stages of the Introductory Campaign and Admissions Schedule

    Address of the Admission Committee of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

    Admission Rules to the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 2019

    Regulations on admission to study for the master's educational level and individual bachelor's training programs based on the qualification "junior specialist" in 2019

    The procedure for organizing and conducting entrance tests conducted using organizational and technological processes of conducting external independent assessment for entry to the second (master's) higher education level

    Cost of study in the 2018/2019 school year




    PROGRAM OF INTRODUCTORY TESTING of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

    PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL TESTING of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy